
Harrisburg University plans summit on big data analytics

Larry Portzline//October 19, 2015//

Harrisburg University plans summit on big data analytics

Larry Portzline//October 19, 2015//

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“2015 Data Analytics Summit II: Structuring the Unstructured” will address how to deal with unstructured data as related to the emerging field of big data analytics, which is the process of examining large, varied data sets to uncover hidden patterns, market trends, customer preferences and other information useful to businesses.

The event will examine leading research, applications, business cases and solutions across various disciplines.

Keynote speakers will include James Pennebaker, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who developed the LIWC text analysis program; and Bob Sutor, vice president for mobile, solutions and mathematical sciences at IBM Research.

The summit’s agenda includes:

  • Analytics, Nudges and Habits – Transforming the World Around Us
  • Intelligent Search: Making Unstructured Data Make Sense
  • Transforming Legislative Advocacy with Big Data
  • Using Big Data Analytics to Solve Mission Critical Problems
  • Mind Mapping: Using Everyday Language to Explore Social and Psychological Processes
  • Leveraging Network Structure for Insights on Unstructured Data
  • Technical Scientific Breakout Sessions on Unstructured Data Research Papers
  • Vendor Training – Analytics Software and Applications of Unstructured Data

The event is geared toward business and government leaders, data scientists, analysts, researchers, educators and students who are working on big data analytics issues.

To register, visit the Harrisburg University website.