
Lancaster County billboards put Trump before the Amish

Roger DuPuis//July 28, 2016//

Lancaster County billboards put Trump before the Amish

Roger DuPuis//July 28, 2016//

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Two billboards for the Amish PAC, a Virginia-based political-action committee looking to gain votes for GOP candidates from among the plain communities of Pennsylvania and Ohio, have been put up in Lancaster County.

“So far it’s great,” said Ben King, a local businessman who was raised Amish and serves as outreach director for the PAC.

The president of Lancaster County-based Quarry View Construction, King left the Amish life several years ago but maintains ties with family and friends in the community.

“My sister registered and the response has been pretty good,” he said.

The Amish and other plain communities are known for being socially conservative and focused on business issues. The PAC’s campaign seeks to draw their attention to those aspects of Trump’s personality and platform, describing him on the billboards as “hard working, pro-life, family dedicated … just like you.”

In a state with more than 8 million registered voters, the total number of potential Amish voters has been estimated around 2,000 in this region.

But King, along with PAC co-founder and fundraising manager Ben Walters, feel that every vote will count in what could be closely fought races — not just for the presidency, but also for state contests, such as U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey’s re-election bid, as well as local races.

The outdoor ads follow the release of advertisements in Amish newspapers, in which the PAC gives a longer list of Trump’s characteristics, including his work ethic.

King also said Trump’s choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, also a social conservative, has pleased many conservatives.