

Hanover-area contract manufacturer adds space

Emily Thurlow//October 19, 2018

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The expansion project is designed to create a more efficient layout for manufacturing, said Brian Greenplate, the company’s president and CEO.

The company makes a range of components for tractors, dump trucks, tow trucks, cranes, road-construction equipment, vending machines, wind turbines, and food and beverage conveyors. Volvo Construction Equipment is among Precision Cut’s customers.

Precision Cut also purchased a building down the street from its headquarters last year as the company began to take on more work in the construction industry. One of the company’s current projects is Hudson Yards, a large-scale redevelopment project in New York City.

About 105 employees work out of the company’s three Hanover-area facilities, while another 25 work at a Maryland plant, which specializes in satellite, defense, communications and the gaming industry.

Precision Cut’s revenue has increased from $3 million in 1998 to a projected $25 million in 2018, said Mike Noll, vice president of sales and marketing for the company.

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